Children's Hospital Los Angeles: Vernon Tolo, MD; David Skaggs, MD, MMM; Lindsay Andras, MD
Children's Hospital Los Angeles: Vernon Tolo, MD; David Skaggs, MD, MMM; Lindsay Andras, MD
4650 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California USA 90027
Site Description:
Pediatric spine practice with approximately 250 spinal deformity surgical cases annually, with 4 fellowship-trained surgeons. Large clinic outpatient volume of pediatric spine patients, including brace treatment and scoliosis-specific exercises. Cervical spine conditions also treated.
Strong research support with 2 full-time research coordinators, statistics support, and manpower to assist in data gathering. We have 2 Fellows and 5 orthopaedic residents, as well as 7 PAs. Schedule of week activity will vary with interest - 5 OR days per week for spine cases, with 5 full days of outpatients in clinics primarily spine related conditions. Research support easily available if individual interested in pursuing research project.
Our hospital does not allow international visiting surgeons to scrub in to the procedure.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
Scripps Clinic Medical Group: Gregory M. Mundis Jr., MD; Burt Yaszay, MD
Scripps Clinic Medical Group: Gregory M. Mundis Jr., MD; Burt Yaszay, MD
10666 N Torrey Pines Rd
San Diego, California USA 92037
Site Description:
Will include extensive exposure to adult and pediatric spinal deformity evaluation during clinic, operative planning and execution of this plan in the operating room. There will be a collaboration between Scripps Clinic and Rady Children's hospital with exposure to traditional open and minimally invasive spinal deformity techniques. Surgeons are allowed to scrub in but not operate. There will be exposure to the research infrastructure of both institutions. There are 2 spine conference per week and one journal club per month.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Rady Children's Hospital: Peter Newton, MD; Burt Yaszay, MD; Salil Upsani, MD
Rady Children's Hospital: Peter Newton, MD; Burt Yaszay, MD; Salil Upsani, MD
3020 Children's Way, MC 5062
San Diego, California USA 92123
Site Description:
Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego is a 524-bed pediatric care facility dedicated to excellence in care, research and teaching. We are the only hospital in the San Diego area dedicated exclusively to pediatric healthcare and the region’s only designated pediatric trauma center. In affiliation with the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, we are the region’s teaching hospital for the next generation of pediatric physicians, including residents and fellows. We are a major pediatric clinical research center with substantial research support available. We also collaborate with world-renowned institutions, including UC San Diego and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Our typical week’s activities include clinics 4 times a week, OR 4-5 days per week, our weekly morning conferences, and research opportunities for extended visits (minimum of 6 months).
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Sonoran Spine Center: Michael S. Chang, MD; Dennis G. Crandall, MD
Sonoran Spine Center: Michael S. Chang, MD; Dennis G. Crandall, MD
1255 W Rio Salado Parkway, Suite 107
Tempe, Arizona USA 85281
Site Description:
Sonoran Spine is the largest orthopedic spine practice in Phoenix, Arizona and functions as the tertiary care group for spinal conditions in the state. Over 2000 spine cases are performed a year, of which 350-450 are deformity cases. Both adult and pediatric deformity cases are performed, with adult representing approximately 85% of all deformity cases.
The practice has a robust research department, with full time research coordinators and one of the largest adult deformity databases in the country, particularly for patients of advanced age (>70).
The practice collaborates with Mayo Clinic as well as the University of Arizona, with some attendings having clinical appointments at these institutions. Sonoran serves as the spine rotation for Mayo Clinic -Phoenix campus orthopaedic residents and also has an active spine fellow.
Weekly activities vary with individual goals, but typically is 30% clinic, 20% research, 50% OR. Hands-on experience is possible for those with a valid US medical license in orthopaedic or neurosurgical spine.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
University of Utah, Department of Orthopedics: John T. Smith, MD; John A. Heflin, MD
University of Utah, Department of Orthopedics: John T. Smith, MD; John A. Heflin, MD
Salt Lake City, Utah
USA 84103
Site Description:
Pediatric spinal deformity only. 2 Research coordinators. Fellows(2), Residents, PNP. OR's 4-5 days per week, 2 spines per day typically. 4 days clinic. We are unable to allow hand's on experience but allow observation in clinic and OR.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
University of Colorado: Christopher Kleck, MD; Vikas Patel, MD; Evalina Burger, MD; Sumeet Garg, MD; Mark Erickson, MD
University of Colorado: Christopher Kleck, MD; Vikas Patel, MD; Evalina Burger, MD; Sumeet Garg, MD; Mark Erickson, MD
12631 E. 17th Ave, B202, Room 4602
Aurora, Colorado USA 80045
Site Description:
Demographic: both pediatrics and adult
Research support available: Yes
Clinical team and support: Yes
7 Spine providers run clinic 5-days/week, 4 ORs running every day and 2 days per week for research.
Hands-on: USMLE licensing only
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Washington University Orthopaedics: Munish C. Gupta, MD; Brian Neuman, MD
Washington University Orthopaedics: Munish C. Gupta, MD; Brian Neuman, MD
660 S. Euclid, Institute of Health 5th floor
St. Louis, Missouri USA 63110
Site Description:
- Robust adult and pediatric spine deformity clinic
- Multiple research coordinators as well as statisticians
- Residency program and have 4 fellows annually
- Daily conference 1.5 days of clinic 3 days of OR 0.5 days of research
- We allow observation but not hands on experience
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Program Fellowship
- Edgar Dawson Traveling Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Global Outreach Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Lori A. Karol, MD Women in Spine
Mayo Clinic: A. Noelle Larson, Todd A. Milbrandt
Mayo Clinic: A. Noelle Larson, Todd A. Milbrandt
Mayo Clinic
200 1st St SW
Rochester, MN
55905 USA
Location Description:
We perform a high volume of navigated vertebral body tethering surgeries, both thoracic and lumbar. We use a dedicated approach surgeon. We have an anatomy lab where the visiting surgeon could perform procedures. Unfortunately, visiting surgeons are not allowed to scrub in, but may observe in the operating room. We have pre-selected VBT days each month, so would need to coordinate the visit and the days. We are eager to share our experience with the technique. Our pediatric ortho ORs are located on the 3rd floor of the hospital, and the spine OR suites are located on the 1st floor.
- Emerging Technologies Fellowship
Helen DeVos Children's Hospital: Jeffrey Cassidy, MD; Scott Russo, MD
Helen DeVos Children's Hospital: Jeffrey Cassidy, MD; Scott Russo, MD
35 Michigan St, NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan USA 49301
Site Description:
Spectrum Health is a large health delivery system in Western Michigan. Fellows would have to opportunity to gain exposure to pediatric spinal deformity, adult spine, or a combination of both. There is a robust research department with coordinators and statisticians available for research support. The pediatric practice has two residents and 5 APP's. The adult practice has one resident and one APP. Weeks can be flexible with at least 2-3 days in the OR, 1-2 days in clinic and one day of research, if so desired. Hands-on experience is allowed based on proper privileging and credentialing.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
The University of Toronto Spine Program: Michael Fehlings, MD, PhD, FRCSC FACS; Stephen Lewis, MD, MSc, FRCSC; Reinhard Zeller, MD, FRCSC; David Lebel, MD, PhD
The University of Toronto Spine Program: Michael Fehlings, MD, PhD, FRCSC FACS; Stephen Lewis, MD, MSc, FRCSC; Reinhard Zeller, MD, FRCSC; David Lebel, MD, PhD
149 College Street
Toronto, Ontario Canada M5T 1P5
Site Description:
The University of Toronto (U of T) Spine Program is one of the world’s largest spine units and is widely respected for a high level of clinical, research and educational excellence. Our unit has trained over 200 fellows from around the world and has a major focus in complex pediatric and adult spine deformity surgery. Our comprehensive and integrated multidisciplinary program combines outstanding expertise in Orthopedic surgery and Neurosurgery with non-operative disciplines drawn from a broad spectrum of specialties. Our program is staffed with senior active SRS members including: Professor Michael G. Fehlings MD PhD FRCSC FACS from the Toronto Western Hospital (TWH); Dr Stephen Lewis MD MSc FRCSC from TWH and SickKids Hospital; and Dr Reinhard Zeller MD, MSc, FRCSC and our young and active SRS member David Lebel MD, PhD, FRCSC from SickKids Hospital. Our Program Co-Directors are Dr Michael Fehlings (Professor of Neurosurgery) and Dr Albert Yee (Professor of Orthopedic Surgery).
Over many years we were pleased to have hosted multiple traveling fellowships form multiple societies including the Scoliosis Research Society and The Cervical Spine Research Society. In 2016 we were ranked the top host site of excellence in hosting and providing outstanding academic and clinical and fun programs. The SRS traveling fellows we host each year are offered an exposure to a unique clinical practice and administrative experience with a broad range of complex deformity procedures in the adult and aging spine, as well as in the full spectrum of pediatric spine disorders. The traveling fellows will also enjoy the opportunity to learn about advanced techniques to minimize perioperative neurological risk in high risk spinal deformity. There are several pediatric and adult scoliosis clinical trials and research projects. They will learn and discuss the current advances in scoliosis surgery and they will have the opportunity to meet and hear some of the current spine fellows’ presentations on clinical and research projects being in progress at the U of T Spine Program. The visiting fellows will also have the opportunity to develop and build on future collaborations for various research projects and participation in the trials. They will also be provided with a fun program packed with networking opportunities with our city-wide spine community of staff, fellows and residents.
Finally, the fellows will have a varied and stimulating academic and clinical schedule at the other affiliated hospitals; Saint Michael’s Hospital and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center and be toured at the University health complex to learn about the scoliosis care at these centres and participate in our citywide CME accredited Spine Rounds and Journal Clubs.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Shriners Hospitals for Children- Philadelphia: Amer F Samdani
Shriners Hospitals for Children- Philadelphia: Amer F Samdani
3551 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA
19140 USA
Location Description:
At the Philadelphia Shriner we have 3 full time spine surgeons and one half time. We perform the full spectrum of pediatric spine cases including: casting, growing systems, psf, tethering, VCR and halo gravity traction. We have a robust clinical research team with over 10 staff. Typically there are 4-8 spine procodedures per week with several full day clinics. In addition, a weekly spine conference is held.
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship,
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship,
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship,
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship,
- Emerging Technologies Fellowship - VBT
Massachusetts General Hospital for Children: Drs Braun, Grottkau, and Lawlor
Massachusetts General Hospital for Children: Drs Braun, Grottkau, and Lawlor
55 Fruit St, Yawkey 3E
Boston, MA
02108 USA
Site Description:
Our Tether Program at MGH for Children in Boston offers the most comprehensive academic anterior vertebral tethering experience in this country. Our team of three surgeons— Drs Braun and Grottkau, representing pediatric orthopaedics/spinal deformity surgery, and Dr Lawlor, as the pediatric general surgery access surgeon—having performed several hundred tether surgeries together over the past three years in a ‘think tank’ setting, is now the busiest in the country with the longest (13 years) and broadest (treatment of all Lenke curve types across a full range of skeletal immaturity for >10 years and a significant additional hybrid expertise developed over the past 7 years) experience worldwide.
Our Tether Program includes a program director, dedicated nurse practitioner, research coordinator, and multiple student researchers in addition to a pediatric orthopaedic fellow and orthopaedic resident.
Ongoing prospective and retrospective clinical tether studies not only offer an opportunity to better understand some of the cutting edge issues in tether surgery but also, perhaps, to collaborate in existing or new research with our group. We have substantial experience hosting visiting surgeons and often customize visits to optimize surgeon learning and understanding. This usually involves tailoring the clinic and OR exposure, as well as the didactic and case based interactive teaching, to fit the exact needs and interests of the surgeon.
- Emerging Technologies Fellowship - VBT
Och Spine Hospital at Columbia University: Lawrence Lenke, MD; Ronald Lehman, MD; Michael Vitale, MD; Peter Angevine, MD; Mark Weidenbaum, MD; Jay Kim, MD
Och Spine Hospital at Columbia University: Lawrence Lenke, MD; Ronald Lehman, MD; Michael Vitale, MD; Peter Angevine, MD; Mark Weidenbaum, MD; Jay Kim, MD
5141 Broadway
New York, New York USA 10034
Site Description:
We have a comprehensive and unified practice that includes multiple senior SRS members. Our combined clinical care involves treating all forms of spinal deformity in both children and adults from common problems to the most exotic and complex. We also have a mature clinical research program that includes a Research administrator and several research coordinators handling well over 100 active research IRB's/studies on-going. We have an extensive educational and conference program in place for all those surgeons who visit us. We have 5 Spine and Spinal Deformity Fellows and several residents on service at any one time. Surgery is performed 5 days/week in multiple Spine OR's. There are weekly indications conference, a spinal deformity conference, and then journal club and didactic lectures given by spine attendings nearly every week. Surgeons can view surgery in the Operating room or in a specially designed Surgical Viewing Conference Room where multiple surgeries are streamed live into the room onto monitors which give multiple views from the OR lights, Headlight, and even operating microscope. Visitors are not allowed to scrub into surgery.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Pequeno Príncipe Hospital | Luis Eduardo Munhoz da Rocha, MD; Carlos Abreu de Aguiar, MD; Luiz Müller Avila, MD; Ricardo Munhoz da Rocha Guimarães, MD
Pequeno Príncipe Hospital | Luis Eduardo Munhoz da Rocha, MD; Carlos Abreu de Aguiar, MD; Luiz Müller Avila, MD; Ricardo Munhoz da Rocha Guimarães, MD
Rua Desembargador Motta 1070- Água Verde, Curitiba - PR, 80250-060
Curitiba Brazil
Location Description:
Pequeno Príncipe is the largest pediatric hospital in Brazil. It is a tertiary referral center for the treatment of complex spinal deformities involving AIS, congenital, neuromuscular and syndromic scoliosis. The spine team has four spine surgeons who treat all types of pathologies and are supported by a large multi-professional group that includes physiotherapists, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists and fellows in spine and pediatric orthopedics. The hospital has a research department that supports the spine group. The week's activities include a full day of clinic and at least four days of surgery, when fellows can participate.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
- Lori A. Karol, MD Women in Spine Award
Bordeaux Pellegrin Hospital Spine Unit 1: Vital Jean-Marc, MD, PhD; Ibrahim Obeid, MD
Bordeaux Pellegrin Hospital Spine Unit 1: Vital Jean-Marc, MD, PhD; Ibrahim Obeid, MD
Bordeaux, France 33000
Site Description:
We do around 2000 spine surgery a year including 200 adult and pediatric spinal deformities. We are a part of the European spine study group ESSG , we are doing many researches in spinal deformity domain. All spinal deformities are operated on Monday and Tuesday, out patient clinic on Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday is for research.
Hands-on is possible after senior acceptance (Obeid, Vital, Gille).
For visa for more than 3 months of stay you need to prepare Administrative paper 4 months before.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Hospital Vall Hebron: Ferran Pellise, MD, PhD
Hospital Vall Hebron: Ferran Pellise, MD, PhD
Passeig Vall Hebron 119-129
Barcelona, Spain 08035
Site Description:
Pediatric and Adult spine deformity. Research support includes 4 coordinators and statistician support. Clinical Team: 6 spine surgeons, 2-3 residents and 1-2 fellows. Typical week activity: 8 OR per week, 2-3 deformity cases/week. 2 clinics (adult and paediatric)/week. Hands-on experience possible, but not always allowed
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona: Alejandro Peiro-Garcia
Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona: Alejandro Peiro-Garcia
Passeig de Sant Joan de Deu, 2
Barcelona, Spain 08950
Site Description:
Hospital Sant Joan de Deu in Barcelona is one of the biggest pediatric hospitals in Europe. Every year, more than 250 pediatric spine procedures are performed, including all king of pediatric and adolescent scoliosis. Furthermore, recently was opened the Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona, on of the biggest center for pediatric oncology in Europe, what increased the number of pediatric spine tumor surgeries. Navigation, AR and 3D printing is used on daily basis The team is formed by 2 senior surgeons and 1 junior surgeon, 1 fellow and rotating residents, 2 research coordinators, bioengineers and an innovation and 3D department. Typical week´s activities include 4 OR blocks, 3 clinics and 1 research day. Fellows are allowed to scrub in during the procedures.
Necker Hospital: Lotfi Miladi, MD
Necker Hospital: Lotfi Miladi, MD
149 Rue de Sevres
Paris, France 75015
Site Description:
Team of 4 spinal surgeons in a pediatrics orthopedic department. We work with a clinical research inside the hospital and outside with a biomechanical laboratory. a statistician specialist is available at our institution. We are more than 10 senior practitioners, 8 residents and 1 or 2 fellows. There is daily 2 operation theaters, spinal surgery is done Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Spinal deformities clinic are Tuesday and Thursday. Our department allows hands-on experience.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Centre Medico Chirurgical des Massues Croix Rouge Française: Kariman Abelin Genevois, MD, PhD
Centre Medico Chirurgical des Massues Croix Rouge Française: Kariman Abelin Genevois, MD, PhD
92 Rue Edmond Locard
Site Description:
The Centre des Massues is a unique hospital that brings together multidisciplinary skills dedicated to the management of scoliosis in children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. The Department of Orthopedic Surgery includes four orthopedic surgeons specializing in spinal deformity who treat all types of spinal deformity (idiopathic scoliosis, degenerative scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, hyperkyphosis, etc.) As a medico surgical center, multidisciplinary care is one of our unique brands. The department works closely with the rehabilitation departments (children, adults, geriatrics) in the assessment, prehabilitation and support of patients in the postoperative phase. Surgeons also take part in the non-surgical management of scoliosis and back pain. One to two operating rooms are dedicated daily to spinal surgery, from Monday to Thursday. Surgeries are routinely performed with navigation. Patients benefit from ERAS protocols in a routine basis. Spine specialists clinics take place at least 3 days a week. Weekly staff meeting with case discussion happens on Tuesday. Friday is usually dedicated to research and collaborative meetings. Our department regularly hosts medical students, residents and fellows. Clinical research is also an important part as we benefit from a partnership with the biomechanics lab of the Gustave Eiffel University of Lyon (two postdoc engineers on site) and from biostatistical and methodological support through a collaborative group of French researchers (FEHAP). Kariman ABELIN GENEVOIS particularly dedicates her research and practice to idiopathic scoliosis, with particular interest in the field of sagittal alignement, 3D characterization of the deformity and patient specific correction solutions using simulation and patient specific implants. without forgetting and willing to transmit the French heritage of sagittal alignement understanding!
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht: Rene M. Castelein, MD, PhD
Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht: Rene M. Castelein, MD, PhD
Heidelberglaan 100
Utrecht, The Netherlands 3584 CX
+31 88 7558327
Site Description:
Large spine center with spine oncology, trauma, and deformities. Both paediatrics and adult, mostly complex cases with an emphasis in deformity on neuromuscular and early onset. Trauma mostly as part of a large level 1 trauma center. Oncology as part of our onco center function including radiotherapy. Large research department with many publications and PhD Thesis on spine trauma, oncology and (etiolated-pathogenesis of) idiopathic scoliosis and growing spine.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Eifelklinik St. Brigida: Per Trobisch
Eifelklinik St. Brigida: Per Trobisch
Kammerbruchstr. 852152
Location Description:
- Pediatric : Adult Deformity = 80 : 20
- 150 to 200 deformity cases per year
- 50+ VBT cases per year
- Majority of VBT cases are thoracolumbar or bilateral. Advanced techniques are used (apical cage, double tether, and more)
- Clinic day is Monday with avg of 15 to 20 deformity patients (many with follow up after VBT)
- Hands-on allowed for surgeons with German medical license
- Emerging Technologies Fellowship
Regional Spinal Department, University and Hospital Trust: Massimo Balsano
Regional Spinal Department, University and Hospital Trust: Massimo Balsano
Verona, Italy 37126
Location Description:
- 150 operations a year for pediatric and adolescent deformities
- Over 100 tethering interventions, with several indexed publications
- Visitor access to room and scrub during surgery
- 5 consultants and 4 fellows
Emerging Technologies Fellowship - VBT
Medical University of Bialystok, The Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatric Orthopedic: Pawel Grabala, MD
Medical University of Bialystok, The Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatric Orthopedic: Pawel Grabala, MD
Waszyngtona 17
Bialystok, Poland 15-274
Site Description:
- 3-days OR/week, 2 days of clinic/week
- pediatric deformities surgery from 2-year old to 18 years old
- all corrections techniques: ASF, PSF, Shilla, Magec, GGS, other
- Residents, fellows
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Istanbul Spine Center: Azmi Hamzaoglu, MD
Istanbul Spine Center: Azmi Hamzaoglu, MD
Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Abide-i Hurriyet Cad. No:166 Sisli
Istanbul, Turkey 34381
Site Description:
Both adult and pediatric deformities (including cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine) are performed at Istanbul Spine Center. Research support is available. We have a dedicated research coordinator and archivist for research support. Digital archieve is open for fellows for research activities. We operate for days a week (Monday to Thursday) routinely, two days for outpatient clinic (Friday and Saturday). Fellows are allowed to scrap and observe surgeries actively.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University Comprehensive Spine Center at Maslak Hospital: Ahmet Alanay, MD
Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University Comprehensive Spine Center at Maslak Hospital: Ahmet Alanay, MD
Buyukdere Cad No 40
Istanbul, Turkey 34457
Site Description:
The Comprehensive Spine Center is a specialized center for education and research related to the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of spine problems. Spinal surgery includes a big variety of pathologies including cervical, thoracic and lumbar disorders of deformity, trauma, degenerative conditions, tumors and infections. Deformity cases are 70% of the practice. Both pediatrics and adult cases are performed pediatric cases composing 60% of the practice.
A clinical Research Coordinator is available who is responsible for maintaining required clinical data and assisting in every single step from planning to preparing the clinical study, scientific presentations and lectures. A statistician and a bioinformatics team are available. The clinical team and support consisted of 3 consulting surgeons and a clinical fellow, a nurse coordinator, and a nurse navigator. International fellows and visitors are allowed to scrub in.
A typical week's activities included 2 days in the clinic, 4 days in the operating room, and a half day dedicated to research and related activities.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
All India Institute of Medical Sciences: Bhavuk Garg, MS, MRCS, FACS
All India Institute of Medical Sciences: Bhavuk Garg, MS, MRCS, FACS
Department of Orthopedics, 5th Floor
New Delhi, Delhi, India 110029
Site Description:
AIIMS is the largest and apex most academic hospital in India and has the largest running scoliosis clinic in the country. We have a full research team and clinical support. Every week we have 3 days clinic and 3 days OR. Every OR day there is at least one deformity posted for surgery. Every Thursday we have deformity clinic where we register at least 25-30 new cases and double the number of follow-ups. Every outpatient day, we see ~200-250 spine patients. AIIMS is centrally located in Delhi and is well connected with all modes of transportation.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai: Dr Sajan K Hegde
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai: Dr Sajan K Hegde
Apollo Main Hospitals
Greams Lane, Greams Road
Tamil Nadu 600006
Location Description:
400 to 450 surgeries per year which includes entire gamut of:
- Spinal deformity correction- 150 cases per year
- Pediatric deformities- Early Onset Scoliosis- 30 cases including complex multilevel segmentation anomalies, syndromic and neuro-muscular scoliosis. It includes out of the box cases for unusual presentations
- Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis-
- Novel technique of Non Fusion Anterior Scoliosis Correction- 50 cases. Ours is the only center in this part of the world with expertise in this technique and one of the centers with highest numbers worldwide. The primary surgeon himself does the anterior exposures of abdomen or thoracotomy without any 'access surgeons'.
- Traditional Posterior Fusion surgery- 40 cases
- Adult deformity correction- 30 cases (including revision of failed deformity correction surgeries)
- Degenerative spinal disorders- 250 cases per year
- Robotic spine surgery- The Apollo Spine service is a pioneer in the use of Robot for spine surgery. The programme was initiated in 2012 with Mazor Renaissance robot, first of its kind in Asia. At present we are using the 3rd generation robots- Globus Excelsius GPS. The robot is being used for extremely complex and challenging cases and also for adult spinal deformity correction.
- Research support available- research coordinators, statistician support- Primarily from the Apollo Hospital.
- Clinical team and support available - residents, fellows, etc.
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship,
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship,
- Emerging Technologies Fellowship
University Spine Centre, National University Hospital: Wong Hee Kit, MD; Gabriel Liu, FRCS(Orth), MSC
University Spine Centre, National University Hospital: Wong Hee Kit, MD; Gabriel Liu, FRCS(Orth), MSC
5 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Kent Ridge Wing 2, Level 3
Singapore, Singapore 119074
Site Description:
Our NUH University Spine Centre provides clinical spine deformity practice in both adults and children. The centre does about 800 spine procedures per year whereby the estimated breakdown is as follows:
- 240 Paediatrics Scoliosis (30%)
- 160 Adult Scoliosis/Spinal Deformity (20%)
- 80 Spinal Metastases/Infections/Spinal Trauma (10%)
- 160 Lumbar Degenerative Diseases (20%)
- 160 Cervical Degenerative Diseases (20%)
- Specialised surgery techniques include:
- Thoracoscopic Instrumentation
- Minimally Invasive Instrumentation (MIS) Techniques
- Surgical Navigation
- High Cervical Spine Surgery
- Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery
- Hybrid Laminoplasty Techniques
- Lateral Approach MIS Lumbar Interbody Fusion
Our Spine team consists Prof Wong Hee Kit, A/Prof Gabriel Liu, A/Prof Naresh Kumar, A/Prof Joseph Thambiah, Dr Lau Leok Lim, Dr Dennis Hey Hwee Weng and Dr John Ruiz with support from residents and fellows as well. Generally, a typical week's activities for the surgeons are 2.5 days in OT, 2 days in outpatient clinics and half a day reserved for research purpose. Research support are readily available in our centre where we have Ms Chua Soo Min as our research coordinator and National University of Singapore to provide statistician support when necessary.
Hands-on experience in fellowships would be allowed depending on duration of fellowship and relevant authorities (Singapore Medical Council and Ministry of Manpower, Singapore) approvals. Otherwise, we also offer observational attachments as well.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Sarawak General Hospital: Chung Chek Wong, MD
Sarawak General Hospital: Chung Chek Wong, MD
Hospital Road
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 93586
Site Description:
Tertiary referral centre for East Malaysia. Both pediatric and adult degenerative spinal deformity. About 100 cases a year. Research support from hospital Clinical Research Centre with ethical committee and statistician service.
Training centre for the 3 years Malaysian orthopaedic spine subspecialty program. Many short term fellowships ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months. Monday & Thursday elective surgeries, Tuesday & Wednesday visiting spine clinic and research meetings. Friday Clinic & teaching.
Hands-on experience is encouraged.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital: Aaron Feng Zhu, MD
Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital: Aaron Feng Zhu, MD
1 Haiyuan Road
Shenzhen, China
Site Description:
- 30-40 spinal deformities surgeries including paediatrics and adults.
- Surgical volume about 350 surgeries in total.
- The clinical service inclined trauma, degeneration, deformity, tumor and infection cases.
- We got residents and Orthopaedics trainees in our department.
- Three OT days for visitors and Two days clinics.
- Routinely pre-op conference with HK colleagues every Friday.
- Local host have hand on teaching and cadaver workshop experience.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
The University of Hong Kong: Kenneth Cheung, MD; Yat Wa Wong, MD; Kenny Kwan, BMBCh(Oxon), FRCSEd; Jason Cheung, MBBS (HK)
The University of Hong Kong: Kenneth Cheung, MD; Yat Wa Wong, MD; Kenny Kwan, BMBCh(Oxon), FRCSEd; Jason Cheung, MBBS (HK)
5/F Professorial Block,
Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Site Description:
Deformity practice: Paediatrics 50% of workload, Adult: 20%.
Research support: Hong Kong has participated in a number of multi centre studies and well-staffed with research assistants, coordinators, and have good relationship with our laboratory and basic scientists.
Clinical team: Our spinal unit consists of 5 spinal surgeons, 2 fellows and 2 residents. We also receive regular observers and fellows on a short-term basis throughout the year.
Typical week: We have 4 whole day operating lists each week, plus emergencies in the acute hospital. We run 2 scoliosis clinics, 1 spine sub specialist clinic, and 1 general back clinic every week. The rest of the time is spent between academic grand rounds, departmental case conferences, pre-operative meeting and research.
Hands-on experience: Scrubbing on table maybe allowed occasionally.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Chinese PLA General Hospital (301 Hospital): Yan Wang, MD
Chinese PLA General Hospital (301 Hospital): Yan Wang, MD
No.28 Fuxing Road
Beijing, China 100853
Site Description:
Clinical team and support available - residents, fellows, etc. The typical week's activities - time spent in clinic, operating room, doing research, etc.
Do you allow hands-on experience? Yes
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Edgar G. Dawson Fellowship
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Peking Union Medical College Hospital: Jianxiong Shen, MD
Peking Union Medical College Hospital: Jianxiong Shen, MD
Dongcheng district, shuai fu yuan No.1#
Beijing, China 100730
Site Description:
Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) is a Class A tertiary comprehensive hospital committed to delivering state-of-the-art clinical care, innovative scientific research and rigorous medical education. PUMCH was founded by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1921. From the very beginning, it was intended to be built into the "best Medical Center in Asia".
PUMCH is also the first site actively attend SRS, as Prof. Guixing Qiu, who put forward AIS PUMC classification, Prof. Yipeng Wang, Prof. Jianguo Zhang and Prof. Jianxiong Shen. PUMCH is one of the biggest spine deformity center in China both in pediatrics and adult. In addition, some young doctors have become traveling fellows of SRS and total clinical team has potent to proceed the activities. Every Thursday is an educational day in a week for case discussion and research report and rest of working day will focus on operation. Most time in weekend will perform research. We allow hands-on experience for most doctors.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Drum Tower Hospital: Yong Qiu, MD
Drum Tower Hospital: Yong Qiu, MD
Zhongshan Road 321
Nanjing, China
Site Description:
- More than 600 scoliosis surgeries per year, covering pediatric and adult.
- More than 500 bracing case on way.
- Fine operating teams and 5 operating rooms.
- Qualified, basic research team with independent lab.
- Hands-on experience: Yes, we do.
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship
Starship Children's Hospital: Haemish Crawford, FRACS; Ant Field, FRACS; John Ferguson, FRACS; Michael Barnes, MD
Starship Children's Hospital: Haemish Crawford, FRACS; Ant Field, FRACS; John Ferguson, FRACS; Michael Barnes, MD
2 park Road
Auckland, New Zealand 1023
Site Description:
Busy Paediatric Spinal Department in a general paediatric orthopaedic department. 3 days of paediatric spinal deformity surgery each week. 3 x paediatric spinal clinics, one X-ray meeting and pre op planning session. Spinal research assistant. Members of SRS, GSSG,Cervical SSG. Hands on difficult - need to get temp medical registration
Preferred Fellowship(s):
- Eduardo R. Luque Memorial as a Fellowship
- Global Outreach Visiting Fellowship
- Robert B. Winter Fellowship