What is the duration of funding?
Generally, SRS grants accept applications for either 1 or 2 years of funding. The exception to this is the Directed Research Grant, which allows applications for up to 3 years of funding. Resident/Fellow and Exploratory Mirco grants allow applications for 1 year of funding. All others allow applications for up to 2 years of funding.
Do you have to be member of SRS to apply for a grant?
You do not need to be a member of the SRS to apply for a grant.
However you must have at least one SRS member listed as a Co-Investigator on the grant. All SRS member categories count toward the requirement, including Candidate Members.
How do I apply for a SRS Grant?
Please apply using the online application. Contact SRS at info@srs.org with questions.
When using the online application, can I save my work and come back to it?
Yes, the application can be saved after each page is completed. Saved applications can be accessed by logging into the Grant Application site.
Please note: To avoid loss of data, we recommend that you save your work every 10 to 15 minutes. For security reasons, if your session is idle for too long (e.g. if you don't press Save or click on a link to go to another page), you may be automatically logged off and any unsaved data will be lost. If you are going to be using a lot of text, feel free to create your fields in a word document and copy and paste into the online application fields later.
Does having outside funding for a project disqualify me for SRS funding for the same project?
Outside funding does not disqualify you for SRS funding for the same project. Outside funding, however, must be disclosed and will be taken into consideration when the committee evaluates the need and incremental benefit of the support the SRS may provide.
What does "Continuation" mean?
Continuation means if the project was funded by SRS in the past and you are still working on it.
Can I include PI or Co-I salaries in my budget?
SRS will not pay salaries for clinicians, but personnel costs for full time researchers and research assistants can be included. PI and Co-I salaries may be included if they are researchers, not clinicians.
What does "% effort for Personnel" mean?
% effort for Personnel means the percentage of their annual workload that will be attributed to the research project.
If my grant is awarded, can I submit my findings as an abstract to another meeting?
If awarded a grant, you must submit an abstract with your findings to the SRS meeting before submitting to another meeting, even though there is no guarantee of acceptance.
If my grant is awarded, will Facilities and Administrative costs be covered?
Current SRS Grant Policy states that "The amount of the award will be expended for the support of the person or project described in the application and none of the funds will be diverted to overhead expenses". This information can be found in the Statement of Conditions located within the online grant application.
Can travel costs be covered by research grant funds?
With the competitiveness of the SRS grant program, we generally encourage applicants to not include travel expenses in their budget plans. In order to make sure that as many well deserving grants get funded as possible, the Research Grant Committee reserves the right to offer a funding level lower than the requested amount. This may include an offer of funds that covers all research costs, but not the travel costs.
Please note that the Exploratory Micro Grant is an exception to the above.
When developing the Research Plan, do references count in the page limit?
References, appendices, and post-plan images will not count against your page limit.
What should be my research project start date?
Research Project start dates should be September 1 - November 1 of the application year.