REO Donors | Scoliosis Research Society
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Donor Recognition Levels

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Legends Elite
U.S. • $1 million or more | Outside U.S. • $500,000 or more

Drs. Behrooz Akbarnia and Nasrin Owsia
Leander D. Beard 
Alvin H. Crawford, MD
Dr. Lawrence G. and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lenke
David W. Polly Jr., MD and Shirley M. Polly, MD

U.S. • $500,000 - $999,999 | Outside U.S. • $250,000 - $499,999

Dr. and Mrs. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei
Baron S. Lonner, MD
Jeffery L. Stambough, MD, MBA

U.S. • $100,000 - $499,999 | Outside U.S. • $50,000 - $249,999

Todd J. Albert, MD
Dr. Marc and Mrs. Ellie Asher
Lutz Biedermann
Laurel C. Blakemore, MD
Dr. Courtney † and Mrs. Ingrid Brown
John and Cheryl Dimar
Daryll C. Dykes, MD, PhD
Dr. John E. and Mrs. Ann K. Lonstein
Steven M. Mardjetko, MD
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Cathy Newton
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Rapp
Dr. Albert † and Mrs. Shirley Sanders
Jay Shapiro, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Harry L. Shufflebarger
Dr. Paul D. and Mrs. Amy Sponseller
David M.C. Stern
Muharrem Yazici, MD

U.S. • $40,000 - $99,999 | Outside U.S. • $20,000 - $49,999

Neel Anand, MD
Randal R. Betz, MD
Keith H. Bridwell, MD
Kenneth MC Cheung, MD
David H. Clements III, MD
Marinus de Kleuver, MD, PhD
Drs. John B. and S. Jean Emans
Thomas J. Errico, MD
Timothy A. Garvey, MD
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Sylvia Glassman
Azmi Hamzaoglu, MD
Charles F. Heinig, MD
Kenneth Heithoff, MD
Serena S. Hu, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Kamal N. Ibrahim
John P. Kostuik, MD
Hubert Labelle, MD
Stacy Lewis 
David S. Marks, FRCS, FRCS(Orth)
Michael John McMaster, MD, DSc, FRCS
Amir A. Mehbod, MD
Gregory M. Mundis Jr., MD
James W. Ogilvie, MD
Joseph H. Perra, MD
B. Stephens Richards, MD
Jay Shapiro, MD
David L. Skaggs, MD
Howard H. Steel, MD
Nobumasa Suzuki, MD, PhD
Vernon T. Tolo, MD
Ensor E. Transfeldt, MD
Dr. Mark Weidenbaum and Lisa Berke-Weidenbaum
Michael J. Yaszemski, MD, PhD


Monetary amounts are provided in USD. All information is as of August 2024.