Historical Timeline | Scoliosis Research Society
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Historical Timeline

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Thank you for taking the time to visit the historical timeline of SRS and spine deformity treatment, presented first as an exhibition at the 50th year anniversary meeting of SRS in Minneapolis. For those who were not at the meeting or did not get the opportunity to visit the exhibition we are presenting the timeline in the SRS website.  

This timeline is dedicated to the SRS Founders and early pioneers of spine deformity care. Their struggles and dedication led to the evolution of this field. The following timeline maps out this evolution from the “dark age” of spine deformity care to modern day knowledge and practice. Without the tremendous efforts of these innovative and creative thinkers, our continued journey would not be possible.

This is a living timeline that will continue to be expanded upon and suggested additions are always welcome. We would like to thank all contributors, members of the historical and 50th year anniversary committees and SRS staff (all listed at the exhibition) for their dedication and support of this project. We hope that you will find the timeline to be informative.

Thank you


First spinal fusion to be reported

Dr. Russell A. Hibbs, Surgeon-in-Chief of the New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital published on three cases of Pott’s Disease who had posterior spinal fusion to obliterate motion of the diseased portion of the spine. This was the first operated spinal fusion to be reported. Dr. Hibbs wrote: “The treatment of lateral curvature is still more unsatisfactory; the deformity is more complicated and its cause less definitely understood.” He then used his spinal fusion to treat scoliosis and kyphosis. His first operation for scoliosis was June 23, 1914. During the years 1914 to 1919, fifty-nine cases of scoliosis were treated by his fusion techniques at the New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital.