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Early Onset Scoliosis
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31 Results Listed
An Introduction to Early Onset Scoliosis for Patients and Parents
An Introduction to Early Onset Scoliosis for Patients and Parents
Application of Boston Brace
SRS Educational Video: Application of Boston Brace
Body Casting - Jim Sanders, MD
Body Casting - Jim Sanders, MD
How is the cast made?
Can the cast come off?
How do I keep my child clean with a cast on?
How many casts will my child have? And how long is each cast on?
Will the cast “cure” the scoliosis?
What if my child breaks the cast?
Can we take a break or vacation from the cast?
Bracing for Scoliosis - B. Stephens Richards, III, MD
Bracing for Scoliosis - B. Stephens Richards, III, MD
Which kind of brace is right for me?
What are the different types of braces?
Why should I wear a brace?
Does it matter how many hours a day I wear the brace?
Can I take the brace off for PE at school, sports activities, swimming, etc.?
How will I know if the brace is working?
I wore a brace for two years and my curve was the same size when I stopped wearing it, why? Did I waste my time?
What does the Boston Brace or TLSO look like?
Bracing in EOS - Lori Karol, MD
Bracing in EOS - Lori Karol, MD
How is the brace made?
How often does my child have to wear the brace?
Will the brace “cure” the scoliosis?
What if my child can’t or won’t wear the brace?
Can we take a break or vacation from the brace?
Definitive Spinal Fusion - Nigel Price, MD
Definitive Spinal Fusion - Nigel Price, MD
What is a definitive spinal fusion and how does it work in EOS?
If my child has a definitive fusion does that mean they will never need another surgery?
When will my child’s treatment end?
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